Monday, October 24, 2011

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute

I think that Silicon Valley School needs to have some technology. Technology helps you prepare for the real life. This school is teaching the kids that by not using technology you can still learn and do a lot of things. But when these kids get out into the real world they are going have to use computers every day of there lives. For example if they want to be an artist you might use a computer to print your pictures or design something. At Burlington High school they are preparing us for the real world by supplying an IPad for every student and teacher and also having computers through out the school. Burlington High is helping use realize that wen we graduate we will have to use technology.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

using social media for the wrong reason

in october of 2006 there was a 13 year-old girl who committed suicide after being bullied on the social network. she ended her life after being bullied my a boy she befriended on myspace.  the two were talking over a message and the last thing said was the boy telling the girl that the world would be better off without her. the bully ended up being a 47 year old women who lived 4 houses down from the girl and her family. the 13 year old girl was struggling with depression and no one noticed. her parents feel guilty for not helping her. this shows that there are crazy people out there and they don't think that they might be hurting someone.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the independent project

the independent project was very good. i thought that it was a good idea that kids do something they like to do and get there academics done to. the idea of kids doing what they want and not getting forced to do things they don't want to do and being miserable.